Reliable Applications
Everybody has an intuitive idea of what it means for something to be reliable or unreliable.
For software, typical expectations include:
- The application performs the function that the user expected.
- It can tolerate the user making mistakes or using the software in unexpected ways.
- Its performance is good enough for the required use case, under the expected load and data volume.
- The system prevents any unauthorized access and abuse.
If all those things together mean “working correctly,” then we can understand reliability as meaning, roughly, “continuing to work correctly, even when things go wrong.” The things that can go wrong are called faults, and systems that anticipate faults and can cope with them are called fault-tolerant or resilient. Note that a fault is not the same as a failure [2]. A fault is usually defined as one component of the system deviating from its spec, whereas a failure is when the system as a whole stops providing the required service to the user.
Hardware Faults
When we think of causes of system failure, hardware faults quickly come to mind. Hard disks crash, RAM becomes faulty, the power grid has a blackout, someone unplugs the wrong network cable. Anyone who has worked with large datacenters can tell you that these things happen all the time when you have a lot of machines.
Software Errors
Another class of fault is a systematic error within the system. Such faults are harder to anticipate, and because they are correlated across nodes, they tend to cause many more system failures than uncorrelated hardware faults . Examples include:
- A software bug that causes every instance of an application server to crash when given a particular bad input. For example, consider the leap second on June 30, 2012, that caused many applications to hang simultaneously due to a bug in the Linux kernel .
- A runaway process that uses up some shared resource—CPU time, memory, disk space, or network bandwidth.
- A service that the system depends on that slows down, becomes unresponsive, or starts returning corrupted responses.
- Cascading failures, where a small fault in one component triggers a fault in another component, which in turn triggers further faults.
The bugs that cause these kinds of software faults often lie dormant for a long time until they are triggered by an unusual set of circumstances. In those circumstances, it is revealed that the software is making some kind of assumption about its environment— and while that assumption is usually true, it eventually stops being true for some reason .
There is no quick solution to the problem of systematic faults in software. Lots of small things can help : carefully thinking about assumptions and interactions in the system; thorough testing; process isolation; allowing processes to crash and restart; measuring, monitoring, and analyzing system behavior in production. If a system is expected to provide some guarantee (for example, in a message queue, that the number of incoming messages equals the number of outgoing messages), it can constantly check itself while it is running and raise an alert if a discrepancy is found .
Human Errors
Humans design and build software systems, and the operators who keep the systems running are also human. Even when they have the best intentions, humans are known to be unreliable. For example, one study of large internet services found that configuration errors by operators were the leading cause of outages, whereas hardware faults (servers or network) played a role in only 10–25% of outages .
How do we make our systems reliable, in spite of unreliable humans? The best systems combine several approaches:
- Design systems in a way that minimizes opportunities for error. For example, well-designed abstractions, APIs, and admin interfaces make it easy to do “the right thing” and discourage “the wrong thing.” However, if the interfaces are too restrictive people will work around them, negating their benefit, so this is a tricky balance to get right.
- Decouple the places where people make the most mistakes from the places where they can cause failures. In particular, provide fully featured non-production sandbox environments where people can explore and experiment safely, using real data, without affecting real users.
- Test thoroughly at all levels, from unit tests to whole-system integration tests and manual tests . Automated testing is widely used, well understood, and especially valuable for covering corner cases that rarely arise in normal operation.
- Allow quick and easy recovery from human errors, to minimize the impact in the case of a failure. For example, make it fast to roll back configuration changes, roll out new code gradually (so that any unexpected bugs affect only a small subset of users), and provide tools to recompute data (in case it turns out that the old computation was incorrect).
- Set up detailed and clear monitoring, such as performance metrics and error rates. In other engineering disciplines this is referred to as telemetry. (Once a rocket has left the ground, telemetry is essential for tracking what is happening, and for understanding failures .) Monitoring can show us early warning signals and allow us to check whether any assumptions or constraints are being violated. When a problem occurs, metrics can be invaluable in diagnosing the issue.
- Implement good management practices and training—a complex and important aspect, and beyond the scope of this book.
How Important Is Reliability?
Reliability is not just for nuclear power stations and air traffic control software—more mundane applications are also expected to work reliably. Bugs in business applications cause lost productivity (and legal risks if figures are reported incorrectly), and outages of ecommerce sites can have huge costs in terms of lost revenue and damage to reputation. Even in “noncritical” applications we have a responsibility to our users. Consider a parent who stores all their pictures and videos of their children in your photo application . How would they feel if that database was suddenly corrupted? Would they know how to restore it from a backup? There are situations in which we may choose to sacrifice reliability in order to reduce development cost (e.g., when developing a prototype product for an unproven market) or operational cost (e.g., for a service with a very narrow profit margin)—but we should be very conscious of when we are cutting corners.
You first have to take reliability into account during the application design stage . Please ensure that the applications you make for your users are safe and reliable .